1) Are we facing a new tobacco price increase in 2021?
The German finance minister and the finance ministry in Spain, among others, have announced that they will raise tobacco taxes again soon.
Depending on who you ask, this increase may still be considered insufficient. The German Cancer Research Centre, for example, has published that the price of a pack of cigarettes would have to be almost 23.00 EUR to compensate the costs caused by cancer treatment to the public purse. Furthermore, they propose a specific date for achieving the goal of Germany becoming a non-smoking country. The target year is 2040.
The same year is proposed by the EU Commission in its current action plan in which it aims to reduce the current smoking rate (around 25%) to only 5% in Europe. The method proposed to achieve this goal is also a general increase in cigarette taxes. At the moment the price of a pack of cigarettes varies enormously depending on the country you are in: In Bulgaria for example we will pay just 2.5 Euros and in Ireland almost 11.50 EUR.
2) Shouldn’t it be up to the individual to decide whether he or she wants to smoke or not?
Humans like to do fun things, even if sometimes these things are not very clever. In the US, the Declaration of Independence refers to the state guaranteeing citizens "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" ... not nagging and embittering us with rules for everything.
Alcohol and tobacco, sports cars, skiing, eating meat and long-distance travel are just some of the things that make our short existence on this planet somewhat more bearable. But the orthodox guardians of virtue repudiate all these things... as if they have had to look for new prohibitions, since they have no longer been able to maintain their doctrines on sexual activities outside marriage, rock'n'roll or the use of substances that alter our mental state.
These guardians are once again entrusting themselves to Papa State, to regulate and regulate and to prevent people from having too many freedoms that could lead to their own undoing.
3) Can rising prices be influenced by a flourishing black market?
It is at least interesting that, on the one hand, 95% of Europeans are not smoking (tobacco) and, on the other hand, more and more politicians are calling for the legalisation of marijuana smoking. If we cross the pond, in a large part of the American continent (Canada, the West Coast of the USA, Mexico...) the cultivation, possession and consumption of cannabis are already legal.
In Germany, the Greens, the SPD and the FDP are also in favour of marijuana legalisation, so if these political parties win the elections this year (individually or in coalition) we may find ourselves in a similar situation to what is already happening in America. The main reason for legalising marijuana after decades of trying to prohibit it is as basic as it is reasonable: to end the black market that forces young people all over the world into the hands of unscrupulous dealers.
If the reasoning for legalising cannabis consumption is easy to follow, you will agree that raising the price of tobacco to such an extent that it incites the creation of a new black market does not make much sense, does it?
Wouldn't it be more normal to regulate the production and sale of cannabis as is done with alcohol and tobacco and to use moderate taxation, as with all other commercial products?
One can agree that all these substances are more or less harmful to health and that it is right to educate citizens about them, but the school of the nation, as Willy Brandt used to say, is the school, not the ministry of finance.
4) How to react individually to this imminent price increase?
We have the perfect solution for you. By smoking self-made cigarettes, you will save a considerable amount of money and become independent of the constant price increases of cigarettes, whether they are motivated by taxes or by the big multinationals.
If you also use an electric cigarette injection machine to make your cigarettes, the appearance and quality of your cigarettes will have nothing to envy to that of industrially produced cigarettes.
Powerfiller's electric cigarette injectors offer you a wide range of options so that you can find the one that perfectly suits your tastes and needs.
If you have any questions or are still not sure which machine is right for you, our customer service will be happy to advise you.
What do you think about the state "educating" us through taxes?
Leave us your comment or question and we'll get back to you shortly!
Regardless of the cost of cigarette packs, we at Powerfiller Smoking have made it our mission to provide you with high quality automatic cigarette injection machines at the best price, so that you can continue to enjoy yourself with greater control over your spending.
See you next week!
Your Powerfiller-Smoking Team