News from the world of pleasure smokers and the tobacco industry!

There are many things that change very quickly - like laws and prices related to the world of cigarettes. Here you will find current information on everything related to the world of tobacco.

How and where do the rules for smokers change? Where will taxes go up shortly, making cigarettes more expensive? How can I make the best cigarettes myself? What is the most important thing to create the perfect cigarette and much more!

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There are many things that change very quickly - like laws and prices related to the world of cigarettes. Here you will find current information on everything related to the world of tobacco.... read more »
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News from the world of pleasure smokers and the tobacco industry!

There are many things that change very quickly - like laws and prices related to the world of cigarettes. Here you will find current information on everything related to the world of tobacco.

How and where do the rules for smokers change? Where will taxes go up shortly, making cigarettes more expensive? How can I make the best cigarettes myself? What is the most important thing to create the perfect cigarette and much more!

You can also subscribe to our feed to always receive all the news on your mobile device!

In the history of mankind, tobacco consumption has never been as high as it is today. Of course, the most important factor in this increase in consumption is the growth of the world population, but a careful analysis of the situation helps us to discover other important details to understand the overall picture.
Tobacco has been used as a medicinal plant in America since time immemorial. Already the Aztecs worked the tobacco leaf with lime to treat tumours.
Tobacco was also used as an antidote against poisonous snake bites, by placing some ground tobacco on the bite after the poison had been extracted and applying heat to the wound.
Tobacco leaves have a healing power that was used by the Mayas to heal their wounds. This tradition of healing wounds with tobacco leaves spread to Europe.
The French National Committee against Smoking (CNCT), already sounded the alarm on this issue last April. "Smokers infected with the coronavirus are potentially important contaminants for their environment because of their frequent coughing and smoke emission," it said. This is a risk, since we know that the virus is transmitted mainly by droplets thrown into the air. But so far there are no studies to prove this.
Do you want to make your own cigarettes that look and taste just like the ones bought at the tobacconist? If you're in the process of learning how to make the perfect cigarette, there are some common mistakes you could save yourself if you read this post.
If you already have an electric cigarette injector, all you need is your favourite tobacco and high quality filter tubes. The raw material plays a very important role, but so does the technique
How much money can I save if I use my cigarette injector correctly?
When correctly using a cigarette injection machine, the savings potential is between 50 and 85 percent. The main reasons for this are the large selection of tobacco in various price categories and the low prices of the cigarette tubes.
The question about what steps are to follow to roll a perfect cigarette yourself often arises. What do you need to make a cigarette comparable to pre-made industrial cigarettes. This question is much easier to answer than you might imagine. Raw materials of course play a very important role. Your favorite tobacco, premium quality tubes and, to achieve a perfect finish and increase your level of comfort when rolling your cigarettes, there is a wide range of electric cigarette injectors on the market.
This question is often asked: What the real advantages of electric cigarette injectors? Many customers are not sure whether an electric cigarette-rolling machine is the right thing for them. In this article, we want to explain all facts and show you that it really pays off to switch to an electric cigarette injection machine.
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Why does Powerfiller-Smoking write a blog?

We always strive to provide our customers with current information about the world of the smoking and tobacco industry. Much is changing. Products, legal regulations, social values ​​and perception and much more.

In this blog we want to introduce you to new products and explain them in detail. We want to explain the advantages of electric cigarette rolling machines and bring them closer to you. Many of our customers have doubts about quality and result before their first self made cigarettes attempts - we want to take these fears away from potential new customers with this blog.

We deal here with different topics, for example:

  • How can you make even better cigarettes even cheaper?
  • What are the real advantages of electric cigarette rolling machines?
  • How is the perfect home-made cigarette?
  • What device is the right one for me?
  • How is smoking behavior and social perception changed by the Corona Virus (Covid19)


Do you have any suggestions for content that we should examine in more detail? Please, feel free to send us a message using the contact form and we will be happy to consider your suggestions.